Member Spotlight: Nathan Schultz

This month we are very excited to feature Nathan Schultz for our member spotlight. Nathan has done a great job being consistent with his workouts since joining Forward Fitness. We asked him to share a little about his background before joining us and this is what he shared, “Growing up in a small town in Michigan, there were many opportunities to play sports, despite my lack of ability in many of them. I was a multi-sport athlete and picked up running later in high school. I was quite a competitive jerk and gave up team sports when I attended college in Milwaukee. It was graduate school that brought me to St. Louis. I worked in the coffee industry through my 20s and everyone, no matter where I go in St. Louis, appears familiar to me.

I have made many attempts to leave this city. I have spent time in San Diego and New Jersey near New York City. Despite my attempts to run, I have been drawn back St. Louis and am more than happy to have landed here. I have made many friends in the immigrant/refugee community of St. Louis I hold as dear friends. St. Louis is such a vibrant city that cares of refugees and immigrants.”

He also shared this fun fact with us, “I watched Office Space for the first time last year. I have convinced my workers I think the movie came out in 2023. My coworkers can’t tell if I’m joking or serious and I won’t tell them it is a long con joke.”

Nathan shared this about why health and fitness are important to him. “Fitness became a priority for me as my time with team sports came to a close. I have always hoped to stay healthy and move without pain. There is also a communal connection I have with friends through fitness.”

This is what he had to say about why he joined Forward Fitness, “So many of the workout methods or places I have joined have pushed fitness at the risk of injury. At Forward Fitness, I have been able to stay healthy while keeping in shape and even gaining strength.”

These are the reasons he has been able to make fitness a priority in his life, “I look forward to the results years from now. So many of my friendships revolve around being active. I work out to know I can keep up with friends while improving my health”

When asked about challenges that he has faced, Nathan shared this with us, “I was often motivated to run or workout to benefit a team I was part of. It was a big shift to stay healthy and get stronger for myself. It has been a journey and I’m really thankful for Forward Fitness filling the “team” role in my fitness journey.”

We asked what he was most proud of accomplishing, “I am proud of the way I have navigated moving to new places, making friends and now creating a life I enjoy in St. Louis. It has always been intimidating to step into new places, join new groups and find a way to fit in. Somehow, I’ve been able to take the risk and put myself out there to make a life in the new places I have lived.”

This is some advice Nathan would give to someone considering adding a fitness routine to their life, “It is beyond intimidating to step into new places and try new things. No-one really cares what you look like when you are working out. The benefits far outweigh the social risks and anxieties you might feel surrounding starting a fitness routine.”

Thanks for sharing your health and fitness story with us Nathan.

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