Mike Klaus
Mike was shopping in Famous Bar looking for a new button down shirt. He found one to his liking and picked it up. From across the store the sales man shouted, “That’s not for you, sir.” He had in his hand a slim fit shirt and Mike was not slim. Mike walked away angry that he let himself get to that point. Later that year Mike ended up in the hospital with an appendectomy. These events motivated Mike to make his health a priority. After packing a gym bag for months with the intention of working out, he finally went to the gym. Training soon became his passion. Wanting to make a career change, Mike became a personal trainer.
He soon decided that he wanted to open his own place and Forward Fitness became a reality. Mike will not let you coast through a workout. He will challenge you and be an honest supporter. He knows what it is like to be unhappy and wants to help you succeed. He is constantly making himself better through continuing education and mentors.
Accomplishments and Certifications
- CSFC- Certified Functional Strength Coach
- Russian Kettlebell Certification- Level II
- Strength and Conditioning Coach for USA Central States
- Functional Movement Systems
- Restorative Breathing Coach
- St. Louis Gaelic Athletic Association Hurling League and Traveling Player
- CPR Certified
- Functional Range Conditioning Certification