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  • Pepper Stir Fry

    5 Steps to Perfectly Cut Peppers

    Learn how to cut a pepper without wasting bites and pieces. It is easy, efficient, and very practical. Remember your knife safety skills as you are cutting. A dull knife is more…

  • Change your mood

    Smile! It Can Make You Happy!

    Change your body’s position and change your mood. That may sound a little crazy, but think about the last time you were mad, happy, angry, worried, relaxed, or stressed. Were your teeth…

  • Measurements over the scale

    Don’t Trust Your Scale

    The alarm goes off. You begrudgingly get out of bed, go to the bathroom, disrobe, and then stand staring at it. What will it say today? Will your efforts be rewarded or…

  • Jump for Joy! Jumping can be a great exercise! However, there are a lot of things that can go wrong and cause an injury. There are also things you can do to make your…
  • Lift heavy weights

    Why Lift Heavy?

    Now, anyone who knows me knows that I love to lift heavy weights. I have fought gravity and won many times. I have also fought gravity and lost just as many times,…

  • Getting Back to the Gym

    We are starting to notice that the days are once again getting shorter. The chaos of barbeques, vacations, and float trips is winding down. School is about it start. Summer is drawing…

  • Prevent Injury Take Time for You

    Take the Time

    About 7 years ago I decided to change my path. I was in college at Missouri State. As a matter of fact, I was sitting in Dr. Runke’s Individual and Dual Sports…

  • Kettlebell Snatch

    Kettlebell Snatch: The Best Total Body Exercise

    The kettlebell snatch is the best total body exercise and my favorite kettlebell movement. There are few exercises that simultaneously increase your muscular strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health.  It requires explosive power…

  • Five Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

    Attend the summer BBQs, but leave the extra weight behind. BBQs, pool parties, bonfires, vacations, and trips to the local ice cream parlor can become quite frequent during the summer. All of…

  • Level it Down!

    By: Nick Lape ACSM, FMS We love it when people come to the studio ready to work and ready to put all their effort into their training session. We love the dedication…