When Should I Exhale?
It can be easy to forget when you are supposed to exhale during an exercise. Nick breaks exercises into two categories to help you remember!
Cressey Press
Anti-rotational movements are extremely important for not only core strength, but spine health as well. Practicing anti rotation regularly helps to defend against torque that might be put on the body.…
Kettlebells (It’s Workout Time at Forward Fitness)
We are so excited to share this video with you. May it bring you some cheer this holiday season and inspire a 2017 filled with lots of kettlebell swings! A special thanks…
Re-Centering Your Body: Ribs Down
Have you wondered why we start our workouts with restorative breathing, especially those last few breaths that are in through your noise and out through your mouth? Or, have you wondered why…
Cross Training Workout
If you are trying to prevent injury or improve your time as a runner, cross training can be a good solution. Before beginning any exercise program consult with a physician. Complete this cross…
Top Three Places to Roll for the Desk Worker
As fitness professionals we see quite a few individuals who have jobs that may not necessarily be physically taxing. It’s the infamous desk job! They spend countless hours staring at a computer screen, talking…
Progress Your Push Up
For many individuals, being able to do a push up from the floor is a huge accomplishment. However, it is a goal that may require some work outside the gym. Setting Up Proper…
Working Out on the Road
By: Mike Klaus When you walk into your hotel “fitness center” and see a depressing weight room, DON’T WALK OUT! You took the time to pack your gym clothes, put them on…
8 Reasons to Train with Kettlebells
Melt Fat–Kettlebells are a great tool to burn fat and build muscle. A recent study showed that kettlebells are one of the most efficient training routines, burning up to 20.3cal/min. That is an…
What are Your Intentions?
“I promise I did it with the best of intentions!” How often have we used this line in our own personal lives? We use it to explain a decision we’ve made and/or…