Tag / Training
2022 Member of the Year: Jessi Reum
We are so excited to announce that Jessi Reum is the Forward Fitness Member of the Year for 2022! Glenn Kraemer our 2021 member of the year, presented her with her award…
Book Review: Do Hard Things by Steve Magness
The subtitle of this book is “Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness”. Throughout this book Magness is trying to redefine the stereotypical view of toughness. The author…
November Member Spotlight: Bryan Jack
We are excited to highlight Bryan Jack as our November Member Spotlight. Bryan is one of the friendliest people around. He has been very consistent with his workouts even when those workouts needed to…
October Member Spotlight: Olivia Tettambel
Have you had the chance to meet Olivia? If you are a morning workout person you may not have because Olivia is much more of a 6:30PM workout person. While we are…
6 Tips to Get Back in the Groove
Summer can be an easy time to get distracted with your health and fitness goals. For some it may be the change in schedule from having your kids home all day, for…
October Member Spotlight: Aaron Seavers
Aaron joined Forward Fitness on Feb.1 2020. He started off with great consistency in his workouts and then COVID hit. I was really impressed with the way Aaron kept up with his workouts…
Conquering Your Big Hairy Audacious Goals
If you go on social media you can find people who just completed 100-mile mountainous races, ran obstacle course races, got straight As on their report card, ran a 5K, got promoted…
Be Active In Recovery
What do your “rest days” look like? Do your they make you look like you have zero fitness goals? Now I know some of you read that question and tilted your head…
5 Benefits to 5am Workouts
There are few things better than starting off your day with an awesome workout. Cati, one of our 5am FIT Camp coaches personally loves to raise and shine at an early hour.…
Re-Centering Your Body: Ribs Down
Have you wondered why we start our workouts with restorative breathing, especially those last few breaths that are in through your noise and out through your mouth? Or, have you wondered why…