Tag / stress
Book Review: Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness
Last year I read the book “Do Hard Things” by Steve Magness, so “Peak Performance” showed up on a list of books you might like in some internet search that I was…
Book Review: The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
When I looked up a bio on the author of The Willpower Instinct, Kelly McGonigal, this is what I found on the Stanford website, “Kelly McGonigal, PhD, is a health psychologist and lecturer at…
Book Review: Burnout – The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
As with many of the books I have reviewed this year, I learned about this book when I was listening to the Brenê Brown podcast “Unlocking Us” last summer. After listening to the authors…
5 Tips to Stop Stress Eating
The past year has been stressful without a doubt. We have been isolated and put in unprecedented situations. It is no surprise that I have heard multiple people say stress eating has…
Re-Centering Your Body: Ribs Down
Have you wondered why we start our workouts with restorative breathing, especially those last few breaths that are in through your noise and out through your mouth? Or, have you wondered why…
Three Steps of Stress Management
By: Nick Lape Every single person at some point during their week has that moment when they think that the entire world is out to get them. Or they have so many…