Tag / Mindset
2024 Book Review Wrap Up
I can’t believe it’s December already. This was one of those years for me that in some ways crept by (could November have been any longer) and in other ways it will…
Book Review: Forever Strong by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
Dr. Lyon is a physician who studied geriatrics and nutrition at Washington University. This is a long book with a lot of information, but it could be easily summarized as this. For optimal health…
Member Spotlight: Nieves Soto
We are very happy to feature Nieves Soto for our Member Spotlight this month. Nieves has found a way to make fitness a priority even with a busy work/travel schedule. We love finding…
Book Review: The Fitness Mindset by Brian Keane
This month I wanted to try to find a book about fitness. Maybe something with some good tips about nutrition and training. In order to try to find a book like this,…
Reflections on a 20-Mile Hike
Last Spring my good friend and hiking buddy Karen sent me a FB message. It was some information about a 20-mile hike called the Mammoth March and her message was “sounds like…
Book Review: The Undeniable Power of Movement by Nicole Mott
There is a saying about “not judging a book by its cover”, which I know really has nothing to do with books but I’m going to be very literal here and remind…
Book Review: Think Again by Adam Grant
As soon as I finished Think Again by Adam Grant, I texted a friend of mine who I get together with every few months to talk about books. It’s our version of a book club. I…
Book Review: Do Hard Things by Steve Magness
The subtitle of this book is “Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness”. Throughout this book Magness is trying to redefine the stereotypical view of toughness. The author…
Book Review: Mindset by Carol S. Dweck
Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and she has been researching the concept of the fixed mindset versus the growth mindset for over 30 years. On the surface the…
This for That
By: Nick Lape I had an epiphany the other day. If you know me, you know that it gave me an immediate headache (just kidding). But it happened during a team workout.…