Tag / maplewood

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  • Re-Centering Your Body: Ribs Down

    Have you wondered why we start our workouts with restorative breathing, especially those last few breaths that are in through your noise and out through your mouth? Or, have you wondered why…

  • What are Your Intentions?

    “I promise I did it with the best of intentions!” How often have we used this line in our own personal lives? We use it to explain a decision we’ve made and/or…

  • Get Up Get Down

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0uAqunqU1Q The Get Up Get Down is a great exercise and is actually practical. Think about how many times you get up and get down each day. Do you have kids, grandkids, nieces,…
  • The Answer that Destroyed Your Results

    I am a trainer. As you can imagine my life revolves around the gym and attempting to help people get into the best shape of their lives. I get to help people…

  • Mobility and Fat Loss

    Watch Nick talk about this fat loss and mobility! If you have ever been around a gym atmosphere there is a good chance that you have heard the term, mobility. But, what…