Tag / Habits
Book Review: The Undeniable Power of Movement by Nicole Mott
There is a saying about “not judging a book by its cover”, which I know really has nothing to do with books but I’m going to be very literal here and remind…
August 2023 Book Review: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin was first published in 2015 and has recently been updated with new material. I really enjoyed my initial reading of this book and wish I had found…
Book Review: The Science of Getting Started by Patrick King
What do you do when you are procrastinating doing your book review? You read a book about procrastination of course! I have to say for a book that I chose at the last second,…
Book Review: Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
Since I’ve started doing these book reviews for Forward Fitness my hands down number one book that I always recommend to people is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Even my friends that really…
Book Review: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
This month’s book review is of a book that was recommended to me by Coach Cati and instead of reading this one, I listened to the audio version of the book. The first…
Process Goals
In a recent blog post I discussed the identity level of the Three Levels of Change from Atomic Habits by James Clear. The next level is process change. This is our habits,…
7 Steps to Be More Consistent
“Habits seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous.” This quote by James Clear the author of Atomic…
Book Review: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Wow! That is my one-word summary of this book. I am so motivated right now and I have so many ideas that I want to try after reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. Suzanne talked about…