Category / Uncategorized / Wellness

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  • Gratitude

    By: Suzanne Klaus RD, LD, CPT I remember the first time I heard someone talk about gratitude and writing down three things they were thankful each day. I was pretty skeptical. I…

  • Being Active with the Kids

    I am a big believer in being outdoors with the twins. They love to be outside, their little minds get to explore and they learn all sorts of new things each time…

  • 4 Strategies I Use to Rock My Mornings!

    Your mornings can set the tone for your day. I use to let my mornings control me. Over time I’ve worked to create habits that allow me to rock my mornings, which…

  • What’s Your Mental Break?

    If you sit back and think, there is always a reason why someone goes to the gym. There is a reason why they start and why they keep going. For me, it…

  • 2018 Top 10 List

    Our 4th year was a memorable one, to say the least! Just look! 1.Our #ForwardFam coaching crew grew. In April Coach Cory joined the Forward Fitness team! He has grown so much as…

  • What to Look for When Choosing a Gym

    If you were to ask someone what they looked for when choosing a gym, your answer would most likely be, “I don’t know, they have a lot of treadmills, I guess.” Yeah,…

  • Comfort Lacks Confidence

    How many times have you heard us say, “you can go heavier than that,” “is that too easy,” or c’mon, one more rep, you got this?” Too many times to count, right?…

  • What are Your Intentions?

    “I promise I did it with the best of intentions!” How often have we used this line in our own personal lives? We use it to explain a decision we’ve made and/or…

  • The Answer that Destroyed Your Results

    I am a trainer. As you can imagine my life revolves around the gym and attempting to help people get into the best shape of their lives. I get to help people…

  • Mobility and Fat Loss

    Watch Nick talk about this fat loss and mobility! If you have ever been around a gym atmosphere there is a good chance that you have heard the term, mobility. But, what…