Category / Training / Uncategorized / Wellness
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Dr. Jessica from Clayton Chiropractic shares some information on Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction: One common cause of low back and pelvic pain that we see is sacroiliac dysfunction. The sacroiliac (SI) joints…
Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes
Fall is finally here and the weather is cooling off! It’s my favorite time for slow cooker recipes! I love being able to come home from work to a dinner that’s ready…
KISS Confusing Health & Fitness Tips Goodbye
With all the health and fitness info out there, things can become confusing. You may be paralyzed about which approach to take and you may be overwhelmed about which source to believe.…
6 Tips to Get Back in the Groove
Summer can be an easy time to get distracted with your health and fitness goals. For some it may be the change in schedule from having your kids home all day, for…
From Back Burner to Trifecta
Creating goals as a parent is scary. Your schedule changes, your mood changes, eating habits change, sleeping is unpredictable and inconsistent, and motivation changes. Those are all things that point clearly to…
Conquering Your Big Hairy Audacious Goals
If you go on social media you can find people who just completed 100-mile mountainous races, ran obstacle course races, got straight As on their report card, ran a 5K, got promoted…
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Day!
Time is precious and it’s often the thing people wish they had more of. While yes, sometimes there isn’t enough hours in the day, more often we are not spending our time…
Process Goals
In a recent blog post I discussed the identity level of the Three Levels of Change from Atomic Habits by James Clear. The next level is process change. This is our habits,…
What is Barefoot Massage? (And What to Expect)
By: Vanessa Webb LMT Have you heard of barfoot massgae? We love it! We talked with Vanessa Webb who is a barefoot licensed massage therapist based out of Somatic Sole Massage in…
100 Workout Challenge
We love the 100 Workout Challenge! Each year between July 1stand December 31stmembers step up to the challenge to get 100 workouts in the last half of the year! We often hear, “I…