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April 2023 Member Spotlight: Marty Delaney
Marty and Alicia joined our Fit Fam last June and they are two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. They have fully embraced all that Forward Fitness has to offer by participating…
March 2023 Member Spotlight: Alyssa Bennett
Our member Spotlight for March is Alyssa Bennett. We love to spotlight our new moms and Alyssa and her husband Austin just celebrated their son Vincent’s first birthday. He’s a cutie if…
February 2023 Member Spotlight: Aubrey Morris
Have you met Aubrey Morris? If you have been a member at Forward Fitness for very long, I bet you have. Aubrey has been a member of our Fit Fam for 7 years and…
2022 Member of the Year: Jessi Reum
We are so excited to announce that Jessi Reum is the Forward Fitness Member of the Year for 2022! Glenn Kraemer our 2021 member of the year, presented her with her award…
December Member Spotlight: Ed Albin
We are very happy to feature Ed Albin as our December Member Spotlight. Ed and his wife Nicole have been active members of Forward Fitness for many years. Participating in challenges, the OCR…
November Member Spotlight: Bryan Jack
We are excited to highlight Bryan Jack as our November Member Spotlight. Bryan is one of the friendliest people around. He has been very consistent with his workouts even when those workouts needed to…
October Member Spotlight: Olivia Tettambel
Have you had the chance to meet Olivia? If you are a morning workout person you may not have because Olivia is much more of a 6:30PM workout person. While we are…
September Member Spotlight: Aletta Speegle
Our September member spotlight is on Aletta Speegle. Aletta usually attends evening FIT Camps. She comes in quietly and puts all her effort into her workouts and we thought it would be…
August Member Spotlight: Kim Grana
We are very excited to profile Kim Grana as our Forward Fitness member spotlight for August. Kim’s consistency and friendly nature make her a valued member of the 5AM Fit Camps and OCR…
July Member Spotlight: Linda Najbart
We are very excited to feature Linda Najbart as our July member spotlight. Linda’s dedication to her workouts even during pregnancy is truly inspiring. She rocked the Summer Games this year right after having…