Category / Goal Setting / How-to's
Goal Setting to Succeed
Four years ago I decided I was going to run a 100-mile trail race, and I am excited to say this October I will be stepping up to the start line of…
Reflections on a 20-Mile Hike
Last Spring my good friend and hiking buddy Karen sent me a FB message. It was some information about a 20-mile hike called the Mammoth March and her message was “sounds like…
5 Steps to Get Back into Your Routine Post Travel
Summer is a popular time to travel. You spend a week at the beach and then before you know it, it’s been three weeks since your last workout and you are continuing…
What can 100 Workouts Do for You?
It’s the beginning of July and you may notice a renewed energy when you are in the gym because it’s time for the 100 Workout Challenge!! Simply put the 100 Workout Challenge…
7 Tips to a Healthy Holiday Season (It’s not what you think!)
We are in the mist of the holiday season. It can be easy to let the craze of the hustle and bustle of the holidays take over. It can leave us feeling…
8 Tips to be More Mindful This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is only one day. One day of indulging in foods you normally would not eat is not going to kill all of your results if you get back to your routine…
Going the Ultra Distance
On Saturday I ran my first ever ultra-race, The DeClue Loops 50K. If you don’t know what an ultra is (don’t worry I didn’t either until recently), it’s any distance over a…
6 Tips to Get Back in the Groove
Summer can be an easy time to get distracted with your health and fitness goals. For some it may be the change in schedule from having your kids home all day, for…
Conquering Your Big Hairy Audacious Goals
If you go on social media you can find people who just completed 100-mile mountainous races, ran obstacle course races, got straight As on their report card, ran a 5K, got promoted…
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Day!
Time is precious and it’s often the thing people wish they had more of. While yes, sometimes there isn’t enough hours in the day, more often we are not spending our time…