Photo illustrating fitness challengSpring Forward with Fitness Challenge

The dreaded swimsuit season is right around the corner. We invite you to join our Spring Forward with Fitness challenge to not only get in shape for summer, but to create habits that will extend far beyond the challenge.

Important Dates

[cryout-button-color url=”″ color=”#94BA1D”]Members: $149.99 Purchase Here[/cryout-button-color]      [cryout-button-color url=”” color=”#94BA1D”]Non-Members: $249.99 Purchase Here[/cryout-button-color]

Pricing Includes

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SP 1x/wk: $199.99


The challenge is judged on percent of inches lost from hips and waist. Half of the money we collect from entry fees will be distributed to winners.

There are also prizes for people who come to all of the nutrition classes and special weekly Fit Camps for challengers only.