Author / Suzanne Klaus

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  • Change your mood

    Smile! It Can Make You Happy!

    Change your body’s position and change your mood. That may sound a little crazy, but think about the last time you were mad, happy, angry, worried, relaxed, or stressed. Were your teeth…

  • 10 Tips to Eat More Veggies!

    Veggies are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber! A higher intake of veggies (and fruit) has even been associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer,…

  • Five Nutrition Habits to Health

    The internet is full of nutrition advice. It can be tiring to go through all the clams and decide which ones are true. Below are five solid nutrition habits to include in…

  • What is the food label telling you?

    The food label can be a confusing thing. However, looking at the nutrition facts and the ingredients can tell you a lot about a food. Serving Size The first thing under “Nutrition…