Author / Lisa Kickbush
Book Review: The Fitness Mindset by Brian Keane
This month I wanted to try to find a book about fitness. Maybe something with some good tips about nutrition and training. In order to try to find a book like this,…
Member Spotlight: Angela Lappin
Our member spotlight for this month is Angela Lappin. We are very excited to share Angela’s inspiring story with you. As a busy mom of three boys, she still makes health and fitness a…
Jan. 2024 Book Review: On Grief & Grieving by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler
I’m starting this year with a personal book review. It’s a book that I read for myself, and I wasn’t planning to use it for a book review, but I have been thinking…
December 2023 Member Spotlight: Colin Postlewaite
We are very happy to feature Colin Postlewaite for our December Member Spotlight. Colin has been a member of our Forward Fam for about 2 years now. He is very consistent with his…
2023 Book Review Wrap Up
I had the opportunity to read 10 books for the Forward Fitness book reviews this year. As in years past I thought I would end the year with looking back at these…
November 2023 Book Review: Deep Listening by Jillian Pransky
Many years ago, I dabbled in yoga, meaning I took a few classes here and there. More recently I have decided that I would really like to begin a yoga practice again and…
October 2023 Book Review: Move by Caroline Williams
Move by Caroline Williams is a book about how movement improves our overall health but more specifically the book shows the link between movement and a healthy focused mind. For some this…
Oct. 2023 Member Spotlight: Sarah Smith
This October we are very excited to feature Sarah Smith as our member spotlight. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Sarah is one of our members who stood up to cancer…
Reflections on a 20-Mile Hike
Last Spring my good friend and hiking buddy Karen sent me a FB message. It was some information about a 20-mile hike called the Mammoth March and her message was “sounds like…
Book Review: The Undeniable Power of Movement by Nicole Mott
There is a saying about “not judging a book by its cover”, which I know really has nothing to do with books but I’m going to be very literal here and remind…