Member Spotlight: Stacey McMackin
This month we are happy to feature Stacey McMackin for our Member Spotlight. She is one of our long time members, earning her 5 year jacket in January and for the past several years she has focused on improving her health by taking advantage of nutrition coaching with Suzanne, Personal Training sessions and mobility classes. Stacey is a creative and a writer and she used our questions to write about the importance of fitness and health in her life and her journey at Forward Fitness. Thank you Stacey for sharing with us and keep up the great work!
“I grew up with a great environment of intellectual and creative stimulation, but my body stayed primarily on the couch. I’ve been a music and theatre educator and school library media specialist for over 40 years. I was married, this time to the right person, 27 years ago, and we had twin boys when I was 47. Though this life has kept me young in mind and heart, I realized a few years ago that without paying attention to my physical health, no amount of mental and spiritual health could help me enjoy the “golden years” with my sons and husband. My life goals include seeing and learning about as much of this Earth as possible, and that requires mobility, and a memory, both of which many people lose at my age. The folks at Forward Fitness have given me help to hope that I can travel and study for enough time to make a difference with my later years.
The first time I joined FF, I immediately knew it was different from other gyms. I’ve been a paying member of just about any weight-loss program and gym franchise in the world, and never have I stuck with any of them. The intimate and friendly nature of all the staff, a new family for me, has been the main ingredient that kept me coming. They know their stuff and they care about each of their members, individually. Every month, I get progressively stronger, more mobile, and have better balance. And I don’t hate it…ever. This is the first time in my life where I’ve actually come to look forward to exercise. It’s still hard to make it to the car on workout days. But I do make it now, and every moment after that is so enjoyable, even when it’s hard, that I never miss a day if I can help it. And afterwards, I always feel better than when I came in the door. Not only is my body warmed up and energized, but my mental attitude is more positive (love those endorphins!) and I’m calmer and ready to face whatever the day has in store.
FF is a regular part of my life now. Like breakfast, I don’t always want to do the work to get it done, but I miss it when I don’t. And I know my many friends at FF feel the same way.
This summer we plan to take our sons to the UK for their first trip to Europe. I’m in “training” for that trip, and I know it’ll be a great experience, in large part because of the folks at Forward Fitness.”