100 Workout Challenge

We love the 100 Workout Challenge! Each year between July 1stand December 31stmembers step up to the challenge to get 100 workouts in the last half of the year! We often hear,  “I wish I could bottle up how I feel to remind me what this felt like.” Well here is what some Forward Fam members said about completing their 100 Workout Challenge last year!

I have to say I feel pretty darn good about completing this one. I know I’ve done this the last few years, but this year was a little more difficult with COVID. It’s been a struggle at times getting the motivation to work out when I’m working from home all day, but this challenge kept me going. I’ve learned during this challenge to listen to my body more and take those breaks when needed. I’m excited to wrap up this year and start next year off strong now that my shoulder is feeling better! Gotta get ready for that wedding dress!! -Jenelle Sander

#100workoutchallenge complete!! 5 months of working out Monday-Friday (with one week off). Next week also marks my 1 year anniversary at Forward Fitness. I never really worked out before joining FF, so I’m super happy with what I’ve accomplished in a year…especially these last 5 months. I’ve learned to challenge myself and I’m much more aware of my nutrition 🥦. I’ve always seen health as something to be proactive about verses reactive. I truly feel like I’m heading in the right direction! -Julia Noble

I have managed to workout 100 times since July 1st. It hasn’t always been easy with the stress of school, managing kids, and schedules being wacky because of COVID – but I made it work. I am happy about the progress I have made this ENTIRE year, working out over 200 times. My rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t always make working out easy, but I know that Forward Fitness will always push me to do my best and make whatever gains I can! It’s about progress and not perfection. I love working out with the #forwardfam and look forward to another 100 workouts and beyond! -Roxanne Provence

100/100 since July 1. Over 200 workouts for the year. I joined the wall of fame. I have done this challenge the last couple of years but this year it means a little more. Forward Fitness brings a little normalcy to an otherwise abnormal year. I am so glad they remained open. I have learned I have the motivation to continue with this healthy habit. Thanks to FF coaches for providing alternatives when circumstances did not allow us to enter the gym. -Denise Golden

Today marked workout 100/100 for my #100workoutchallenge Fitting for 2020, I finished this workout at home. A huge shout out and thank you to Forward Fitness for offering virtual workouts to do at home. I couldn’t have completed this challenge without the flexibility. FF also made the gym feel safe – limiting the number of people, mask wearing (who knew it was manageable to work out with a mask on?!), having trainers clean off weights after use, “pod areas” to workout in, etc. I honestly didn’t think I would accomplish this goal this year, so quite happy I did! Thanks for all the support and encouragement along the way!! -Linda Najbart

We hope you will join us in the 100 Workout Challenge this year!

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