May Member Spotlight
I am excited to announce our member spotlight for the month of May and one of our newest moms, Tori Bauer.
Tori grew up in Argentina. As a kid she played basketball and did ballet. She enjoyed spending time with her friends and loved studying and learning. After high school Tori’s love for basketball and ballet as well as working out turned into an obligation. She dropped all active things to focus on learning when she started college in the US.
Fed up with the cycle of unhealthy habits and paired with the encouragement of her mother-in-law, Tori (and her life partner, Todd) joined Forward Fitness. “We’ve been hooked since! It’s a home for us and I think neither of us had felt like that in a place of fitness before. I’ve always felt uncomfortable/awkward in other gyms.”
Tori is #StrongAsAMother! She can deadlift, swing, clean, do kettlebell snatches, and so much more! She rocks the Bags & Bells class with power and strength. Tori explains that physical health is important to her because of how empowering it is. Whether it’s rocking a tabatas without having to rest before completing each 20-second round of work or finishing a race, it’s a celebration and reminder of what she can do. “I love the fact that I feel strong and capable no matter what I look like.” Tori also loves the mental health benefits she gets from working out and incorporating healthy eating and nature into her life. It provides a mental clarity and helps to reduce stress.
Tori embodies the spirit of a Forward Fam member. She is the member who will go up to a new person and introduce herself and make them feel welcomed. She is the member who will reach out to someone outside of the gym to check on them. She also participates in community events and challenges. She has completed the 100 Workout Challenge multiple times. She is also part of our OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) team. She completed her first Spartan Stadium Race at Wrigley Field in November of 2019 and has done a few other local OCRs. When she couldn’t run because of her pregnancy she volunteered her time to help me put together a trail half marathon for her fellow teammates.
Tori’s biggest accomplishment since joining Forward Fitness is completing the Quivering Quads 15K Trail Race. If you have not heard of it, this race takes place in Cuivre River State Park in Troy Missouri and is full of challenging hilly terrain. “It was definitely a mind and body workout and I am proud to have finished it while keeping a good pace, positive mantras and enjoying nature.”
Tori said her biggest challenge during her time at Forward Fitness has been overcoming depression. She put in a lot of work outside the gym, leaned on the OCR team, her friends, and coaches, and found joy in running to overcome it. “I am so blessed to have encouraging people all around who’d never leave me behind: encouraging me when I’m present, and checking on me when I’m not showing up.”
Tori has been a member of Forward Fitness and kept fitness as a part of her life for many years! She said, “it takes a village” and an encouraging environment. The inspiration she gets from people who are supportive as well as setting goals that are achievable, measurable and have long lasting positive effects also help to keep her going. “Who doesn’t like being and feeling strong and keeping it up?” Todd is also a very big motivator. Not only is he her life partner, he’s also her fitness partner. Before the arrival of baby they would work out together and go on trail runs together. Now he makes sure there is space for her to incorporate workouts into her schedule. Tori shares, “I’m forever grateful that Forward Fitness is in my life through it all. I am 100% convinced that I had a healthy, active pregnancy and postpartum thanks to a consistent fitness journey at Forward Fitness! I had to have a c-section, 2 weeks after I was out and about on walks, 8 weeks I was back at the gym. I’m so grateful!”
When I asked Tori what she would say to someone considering adding a fitness routine to their life she said, “There’s probably nothing more challenging yet rewarding you’ll do in your life. Once you truly understand your personal reasons to do it there’s no turning back!”
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
WOW…..very impressive!
Tori you are an inspiration!