Bumps in the Road to Success
We all have experienced bumps in the road. This is especially true when working towards our health goals. Whether your goal is fat loss, building muscle, feeling better, or performance based, it is sure to come with its own set of obstacles.
At the beginning of 2018, I made the decision to become a “Beast Tamer.” In the kettlebell world that is being able to perform the following: a one-arm overhead press, pistol squat, and pull-up using a 48 kilogram (106-pound) kettlebell. No easy task. What drew me to this challenge was the fact that only 1% of certified kettlebell coaches are official “Beast Tamers.” I wanted to take on the challenge and new it wouldn’t be easy.
I am fairly certain that the pull up is the biggest obstacle of the three lifts for those attempting. This past year of training has proven that true for me. From frustration due to slow progress to lack of a systematic plan, to elbow pain, I have experienced a few bumps.
When these bumps arise, it can be easy to quit. I have not quit and am getting through my final bump before completing the “Beast Tamer.”
How have I not quit even after a few bumps in the road?
I hired a coach. This was one of my smartest moves. When I started training at the start of 2018. I had someone to hold me accountable if needed. I had someone on the outside helping me. It is easy when you are in the middle of a massive project to lose sight of the end.
I had my coach create a step by step plan for me.Random workouts and programming don’t work. You need a thought out program. This is when my progress really started to kick in. After 11 months of work, I completed a pull up with a 44 kg kettlebell. (Only 4 kg away!)
I adjusted my plan when needed. I finally felt I was making great progress towards my goal then my left elbow had enough and it became inflamed. I couldn’t continue to train the same way. I needed to adjust my plan by adding in extra recovery time, increase my RAMP, and ice.
I remembered my why. A year doesn’t seem like a long time in the grand scheme of thing, but when you are working towards one goal, it can feel like forever. It’s hard to stay dedicated and focused for that amount of time. Let’s face it, I don’t wake up every day excited to work out. There are days when I need to follow my plan, but just don’t have the motivation. That’s when I have to take a step back and remember my driving force.
I harnessed my growth mindset.The ability to fail and learn rather than quit because the path is not an easy one is to have a growth mindset. When I plateaued, I switched things up. When I got frustrated, I took a day off from my program to keep things fresh. When my workouts were weak, I became more dedicated to sleep and nutrition.
What goal are you working towards? What bumps in the road are you experiencing? Have you let a bump in the road turn into an unsurpassable mountain? Everything can’t come easy. Imagine the joy and satisfaction you have once you reach your goal especially one that has been filled with quite a few bumps. I know when I complete my “Beast Tamer” I will be proud and celebrate my accomplishment and use that momentum to quickly come up with my next challenge!