Spring Forward with Fitness BBQ Celebration!
Last week we announced the winners of our Spring Forward with Fitness Challenge at our BBQ. The challenge was based of percent inches lost around the waist and hips. We were so excited to see everyone’s results. Not only could you tell people lost inches, but their attitude toward health, fitness, and their self changed. After totaling everyone’s results, 44 inches were lost among the group in the waist and hips and 60 inches overall. That is five feet!

Kelly Williams took first place and $1,000 with 6.9% inches lost around her waist and hips! She lost 17.6 pounds, 10.5 total inches, with 6.5 of those being from the waist and hips. Kelly came in with a focus. You could tell she had made up her mind to make a change for herself. She came to the weekly nutrition classes and gave some great input. She was a regular to the 6am classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and usually added a weekend workout. Keep up the awesome work!
Lisa Bailey lost 5.5% inches around her waist and hips and was crowned second winning $600. Lisa has made so many great changes especially with her mindset. She figured out what works for her and how to frame things in a positive manner. This is so important when making changes that you want to last. Despite an extremely busy time in her life, she made time for workouts, nutrition, and herself. Way to go Lisa!
Laura Williams won $400 in third place losing 5.1% inches. She is someone who gives each workout her all. If you give her a heavier weight she doesn’t complain. She enjoys the challenge. She planned workouts around her 12 hour shifts and attended the nutrition classes she could. She made her health a priority. Congrats on your success! We wish we could have taken your picture at the BBQ, but understand those 12-hour shifts.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the BBQ! A special thanks and congratulations to those who decided to make a change and did the Spring Forward with Fitness Challenge. Even though only three people received cash prizes, everyone made an improvement!